Our Body Is Our Only Home: 24/7!
That’s right, our body is our only home: 24/7. We all know this, but it’s a blind spot that we don’t see because we’re inside our physical self and we’re too busy focusing outward on daily demands and responsibilities.
Think about it. Our body does most everything we wish. We sit for long hours at work; we strain our eyes, wrists, neck, and back. We put our body through physical activity that produces all kinds of joint and muscle pain. Our body absorbs our daily stress, fears, anxiety, anger, and other emotions. But we don’t exercise to decompress and recalibrate. We stress eat and overwork our internal organs. We don’t give our body down time and proper sleep. In short, we don’t replenish.
We take our body for granted until it rebels and disrupts our daily routine or worse, forces us to a hard stop. When we’re physically unwell, this has an immediate effect on our day, our outlook, and our interaction with those around us—at home and at work. Unlike our car or our bicycle, we can’t replace our body.
If you have a self-care practice in place that serves you well, that helps you recharge and replenish, Brava! You’re doing great! Keep at it!
If, like most of us, you’re struggling to reset or start a new self-care routine, I recommend changing your narrative. Think of this as changing the radio stations in your head. Turn off the message, “I don’t have time.” Listen to a new one, “I have time to take care of my physical health because I owe it to myself to be healthy. No one can look after my body except me! When I’m unwell, I’m not connected with my best self, and I’m not giving my best to those in my care.”
Give yourself permission to make your physical health your Number 1 priority—for yourself and your loved ones. As you give so much everyday to others, you need to look after yourself first! Allocate what I call your Time-for-Me (TFM) appointments on your calendar for daily or 4x/week for your self-care activity. It can be short 15-minute here and there throughout your day, and/or a long hour-plus session. As you don’t flake on other appointments, don’t flake on yourself. Remember, Our body is the only home we have: 24/7! Your TFM is a gift to yourself. Make self-care the cornerstone of your daily life.
What action can you implement today to reset your practice?