Before Adding More to Your Life, Subtract First!
Sometimes, enhancing your life isn’t about adding more; it’s about removing the energy drains and making space for positive things.
Sometimes, enhancing your life isn’t about adding more; it’s about removing the energy drains and making space for positive things.
Allocate time to reflect and discover blind spots—that may be adversely affecting our lives—can lead to more self-awareness and personal growth.
Discover your archetypal role and channel all your energy toward honoring your life and your calling.
We all need a go-to person. Who should be that individual? How about turning to the person who’s available to us 24/7?
We don’t always have control over events. But there’s one thing that each of us has complete control over: we can choose to respond instead of react.
Is there an area in your life where you feel completely stuck? What to do? Create and build momentum with a new initiative to release you from your rut.
Are you at a juncture where you wish so much for change? What’s The One Thing (TOT) that shall transform your life?
Our current narrative might have been set for a while, but it’s not set in stone. We can change it. If you want to change your life, change your narrative.
Conventional wisdom suggests that Time is our most valuable asset. It isn’t. Our physical health is. Yet most of us take our health for granted until a crisis disrupts our daily routine or worse, forces us to a hard stop.
That’s right, our body is our only home: 24/7. We all know this, but it’s a blind spot that we don’t see because we’re inside our physical self and we’re too busy focusing outward on daily demands and responsibilities.